Founded in 1986, Akfen Construction commenced its operations with contracting projects and accumulated a significant expertise on infrastructure and superstructure projects. The Company has completed projects worth over USD 3.5 bn (USD 2.9 bn corresponding to Akfen Construction share in those projects) including landmark infrastructure projects such as İstanbul Atatürk and Ankara Esenboğa Airports’ international terminals, Bursa natural gas distribution line and Tüpraş İzmit Refinery new reformer and desulphurization unit.
Starting from 2013, Akfen Construction has evolved into an investor and diversified its portfolio in the fields of health, education and prominent real estate assets.
By today, the investment portfolio of the company comprises 3 hospital PPP assets with a total of 2,600 bed capacity, a student housing asset with c.a 2,300 bed capacity and a real estate portfolio of 145 residential and 39 commercial units.
Akfen Construction differentiates itself with its investment portfolio providing long term, predictable, protected against market risks and sustainable cash flow with no receivable risk.
The Company is one of the leading PPP investor specialized in hospital projects as an investor as well as contractor.

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